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Was Hitler Christian?

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Hitler was NOT a Christian by his actions - he made a god out of himself, an act totally opposed to any type of Christian teaching. His family was Catholic and he attended Catholic school until he was thrown out in the sixth grade. He had nothing but scorn, hatred and distaste for the Catholic church and was planning to attack the Vatican (according to the diary of Goebels who stopped him, saying that wasn't a good idea).

Non deists often quote a few passages from the first chapters of "Mein Kampf" ("MY Struggle") to "prove" that Hitler was a deist but other passages written later on in the book, clearly showed that Hitler did NOT believe in God, in a real sense, although he was of the mind that religion could be used at times to accomplish his own purposes. Also, many things he had written elsewhere, taught the German people about HITLER'S Divinity and supernatural powers.

Here is an article detailing this:

>>> Freed at last from the dreadful fears that military and economic catastrophe had aroused in them, Germans envisioned Hitler as a truly magical figure of majestic wisdom and power. They saw him as an irresistible force, and they surrendered their whole hearts to him. He hypnotized Germans into worshipping him, successfully presenting himself as a savior and even as God himself.
Except for the tabloids, the international media tended to downplay his most grandiose claims. But the Vatican understood how important it was to talk back to Hitler on the divinity issue. In 1937, Pope Pius XI issued an official letter entitled "With Burning Heart" that scorned Hitler for his claims to godhood.

At a time when people throughout the world still believed Hitler to be a progressive force, the Catholic Church condemned him as a dangerous villain. It denounced the chief Nazi for his racism and attacked Hitler for "placing himself on the same level as Christ." Effectively summarizing Hitler’s personality
, the Church labeled him "a mad prophet possessed of repulsive arrogance."<<<<


>>> When Hitler compared himself to Jesus, he was proclaiming his own divinity. Knowing as we do that Hitler’s ambitions were eventually blown to smithereens, it’s hard for us to realize how many Germans considered him a supernatural being.
But it is true. Millions of German households actually erected shrines that featured a photograph of what they thought of as their dictator’s divine countenance. They said prayers in his behalf — even directed prayers to him — throughout the day.<<<<

Hitler thought himself a messiah and a god

>>>>"The greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the ancient world, but in its inexorable fanaticism in preaching and fighting for its own doctrine."
[Adolph Hitler, "Mein Kampf" Vol. 1 Chapter 12] <<<<

Later on in "Mein Kampf" he details ideas similar to Marx about Christianity that it was useful for keeping the 'rabble' in line although we can see quite a bit of scorn in the above passage.

>>>Everything was disparaged - the nation, because it was held to be an invention of the 'capitalist' class (how often I had to listen to that phrase!); the Fatherland, because it was held to be an instrument in the hands of the bourgeoisie for the exploitation of' the working masses; the authority of the law, because that was a means of holding down the proletariat; religion, as a means of doping the people, so as to exploit them afterwards; morality, as a badge of stupid and sheepish docility.<<<<
(ibid, Chapter 2)

>>>>As had happened often in Habsburg history, religion was thus exploited to serve a purely political policy, and in this case a fatal policy, at least as far as German interests were concerned. The result was lamentable in many respects.<<<<

>>>>For the masses of the people, especially faith is absolutely the only basis of a moral outlook on life. The various substitutes that have been offered have not shown any results that might warrant us in thinking that they might usefully replace the existing denominations. But if religious teaching and religious faith were once accepted by the broad masses as active forces in their lives, then the absolute authority of the doctrines of faith would be the foundation of all practical effort. There may be a few hundreds of thousands of superior men who can live wisely and intelligently without depending on the general standards that prevail in everyday life, but the millions of others cannot do so. <<<<<

(religion was something he felt, a takeover of the state would not be possible if the religion of the state were attacked)

>>>>Accordingly the attack against dogma is comparable to an attack against the general laws on which the State is founded. And so this attack would finally lead to complete political anarchy if it were successful, just as the attack on religion would lead to a worthless religious nihilism.<<<<<

>>>> The political leader should not estimate the worth of a religion by taking some of its shortcomings into account, but he should ask himself whether there be any practical substitute in a view which is demonstrably better. Until such a substitute be available only fools and criminals would think of abolishing the existing religion. <<<<<

>>>Each one of us to-day may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world, but the fact cannot be denied that ever since then the world is pervaded and dominated by this kind of coercion and that violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror. <<<<